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We’re Celebrating World Environment Day

On 5 June, we’re renewing our commitment to a sustainable waste recovery cycle to keep the Planet healthy and livable

The climate emergency, the exploitation of resources, the loss of biodiversity, and pollution are threatening to destroy our planet. But this destruction is not inevitable: we have the power and the understanding to reverse this process and guarantee a sustainable future for everyone – but only if we act now.

World Environment Day, celebrating its 47th edition on Saturday, 5 June, is dedicated to raising global awareness about the environment, with the goal of inspiring concrete actions to slow and stop the destruction of ecosystems and support their full restoration.

A decade to save ecosystems

In 2020, the theme of World Environment Day – celebrated with the dramatic COVID-19 pandemic in the background – concentrated on biodiversity, urging governments around the world to support a new global goal to protect at least 30% of the earth and its oceans by 2030.

This year, World Environment Day 2021 – with the theme “Ecosystem Restoration” – will officially kick off the Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), an initiative that aims to significantly boost efforts to restore degraded or destroyed ecosystems (from forests to farmland, from the peaks of the mountains to the depths of the sea), as an indispensable measure to combat climate crises and protect and reconstruct nature for the good of future generations, guaranteeing a healthy and livable world for the future.

Now more than ever – especially in light of what has happened in the last year and a half of pandemic – we need to urgently defend and safeguard our planet, damaged by global warming and suffocated by harmful emissions. We are all – from the single individual to companies, governments to institutions – called to face this challenge. The environmental crisis is requiring us to with greater and greater force.

Our response to the challenge of safeguarding the Planet

This is why, for World Environment Day, we want to renew our commitment to the construction of a different, better waste management cycle, to intelligently combine sustainability, efficient services, and environmental well-being.

In the coming years, we will continue to support a waste management model oriented toward sustainability, investing in increasingly efficient recovery cycles, capable of reducing waste and turning it into materials to dispose of and new resources to be reused, using innovative technologies and techniques.

To guarantee a healthy planet for future generations, where humans and the environment coexist sustainably, we are ready to do our part and support the #GenerationRestoration!